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Leor Buzgalo

Leor Buzgalo was born in Israel in 1982.
He was circumcised when he was 8 days old but it wasn’t according to halacha. 24 years later when he started questioning his Brit Milah, he turned to a rabbi and was told that he was not considered to have had a Brit Milah according to all rabbinical opinions. The Rabbi directed Leor to Brit Yosef Yitzchak on May 14, 2006 where he entered into the covenant of Avraham Avinu.

Leor needed only have Hatafat Dam Brit, a simple ceremony to correct the Brit, when one is already circumcised. See the article below

Thank You Letter Translation:
My name is Leor Buzgalo. I am very thankful to the organization Brit Yosef Yitzchak for giving me a Brit Milah that was done in the best way possible.

click here to view the original letter