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Chief Rabbi of Moscow

To: Mr. Yaron Amit
Head of “Brit Yosef Yitzchak”

Dear Sir,
We would like express our gratitude to you and your organization for the two certified Mohalim you’ve sent here, Rabbi Chaim Rubin and Rabbi Yishai Dahan, to arrange Britot-Milah for the boys at Etz Chaim community school.

The Mohalim were very efficient and managed to turn a painful fearful event into a very emotional moment in the life of an 8 year old, who for the first time took pride in his Jewishness and in the covenant of Avraham Avinu. I would also like to point out that the children who have undergone Brit Milah, have done so by choice, as a result of the religious education they received in school.

Thank you very much, may you have many blessings,

With great admiration,
Pinchas Goldsmidt

Chief Rabbi of Moscow

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