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Brit Yosef Yitzchak
Brit Milah Additional Resources

Since 1989, Brit Yosef Yitzchak has provided more than 29,000 Britot Milah throughout the world. Although the majority of our Britot have been performed in Israel, Russia, and the United States, we have helped arrange britot milah in dozens of countries, on nearly every continent.

Over the past 17 years, we have been absolutely dedicated to providing the opportunity for every male Jew to have a Brit Milah, regardless of his affiliation, level of observance, or ability to pay.

28,000 Britot Milah may seem like a huge number, but in reality, 28,000 barely scratches the surface. We estimate that there are 200,000 uncircumcised Jews in the New York area alone, so our work is really only beginning. Most simply have no idea of just how important and simple a Brit Milah can be.

Our work depends on the hard work and sacrifice of our network of volunteer mohelim, and other partners, sponsors, and Sandak alike.

Contact us today, to find out how you can partner with us to restore this age-old covenant with God.